FR MNC Mind the review of philosophy and the Trojan horse strategy of Jean-François Monteil

15 Août

Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l’Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux

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KNOLmnc 0 Mind a Quarterly Review of Philosophy

Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.

The three ingredients of strict implication: L (p ≡ Lq)

A la mémoire de René Madec de Quimper, grand nabab des Indes.

KNOLmnc 1 Modal logic. The three ingredients of strict implication

If one types on google: Mind a quarterly review of philosophy papers of mine appear  in a flattering position. In a sense, they are published in the famous British journal.




Juin  2014

Le courriel de Jean-François Monteil adressé à Thomas Baldwin

On 19 Jun 2014, at 20:33, wrote:

Jean-François Monteil

About the paradoxical sign of Jean-François Monteil and its importance for linguistics and logic

KNOLmnc 1  Modal logic. The three ingredients of strict implication. To Mind the British Journal of Philosophy.


L (p ≡ Lq) is a formula of strict implication, to be read: It is certain that the possible fact p is equivalent to the certainty of the fact q. It represents the content of the complex sentences of natural language If p, then q and If and only if p, then q.  L( p & Lq) w (~p & M~q), its developed form, is to be read It is one thing or the other, either p and then Lq, the conditional certainty of q, or not-p and then M~q, the possibility of not-q.The developed form indicates that the conjunction of p and not-q is impossible and that one has ~M (p & ~q). So is retrieved the content of the so called material implication. L( p & Lq) w (~p & M~q) implies the bilateral possible Mp & M~p and so disposes of the first paradox of material implication, the fact that a false proposition implies anything. (~p & M~q), the second alternative, disposes of the second paradox, the fact that a true proposition is implied by anything.

 La réponse de Thomas Baldwin à Jean-François Monteil

Dear M. Monteil

If you were intending to submit your investigations in modal logic for publication in Mind, I am afraid that I should inform you that

the materials you have sent is not suitable for publication in Mind.

yours sincerely
Thomas Baldwin
(Editor, Mind)

Décembre 2014

J’ai tapé aujourd’hui, 26 Décembre 2014 sur Mind a quarterly review of philosophy. Voici ce que j’obtiens sur la page 1 de Google.comDécembre 2OI4

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