Archive | avril, 2018

FR MNC What the German-speaking scholars Paul Gohlke and Isidor Pollak say about Aristotle’s De interpretatione, chapter 7 leads to the formula of strict implication: L   p ≡ Lq . To the Verlage Schöningh, Walter de Gruyter, Brockhaus

24 Avr

Le signe paradoxal de Jean-François Monteil et son importance pour la logique et la linguistique

L   p ≡ Lq

These are two major works produced by the German scholarship:

1- Gohlke, P., 1951: Aristoteles, Die Lehrschriften; hrsg., übertragen und in ihrer Entstehung erlaütert von Paul Gohlke. Kategorien und Hermeneutik, Paderborn 1951.

2- Die Hermeneutik des Aristoteles: in der Übersetzung des Ishak Ibn Honain, Auteur: Isidor Pollak, Editeur: Leipzig: in Commission bei F.A Brockaus, 1913, Collection: Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 13, 1.

Thanks to Paul Gohlke and Isidor Pollak, the text of die Hermeneutik des Aristoteles second book of the Aristotelian Organon can be at last established. In the light of their works, the problem raised by the indeterminate propositions of De interpretatione chapter 7 is at last solved.

Establishing the text of De interpretatione, chapter 7 brings about a chain reaction. It leads first to the replacement of the square of opposition by the hexagon of Robert Blanché. The logical hexagon represents 6 values, the traditional square of opposition only 4. The hexagon is a more potent figure than the square. The hexagon is something obviously  complete, the square something obviously deficient.

The main result of the substitution of the logical hexagon for the traditional square of opposition is this: applied to modal logic, the hexagon shows the existence and importance of the bilateral possible. The notion of bilateral possible conducts to the formula of the strict implication of a fact q by a fact p:

L   p ≡ Lq

A fact p strictly implies a fact q, if it is established that the fact p is equivalent to the certainty of the fact q.

The problem of strict implication was introduced in 1916 by one C.I Lewis. The point was to remove the two unpleasant paradoxes of the so called material implication.

In the framework of material implication, a proposition p, if false, implies any other proposition, that is, q as well as not-q.

In the framework of material implication, a proposition q, if true, is implied by any other proposition, that is, by p as well as by not-p.

For those who have in view a cause and effect relationship, between a fact p and a fact q, the paradoxes in question are excruciating !

So L (p ≡ Lq) is a formula of strict implication, to be read:

It is certain that the possible fact p is equivalent to the certainty of the fact q.

It represents the content of the complex sentences of natural language:

If p, then q and If and only if p, then q.

The developped form of L (p ≡ Lq) is

L( p & Lq) w (~p & M~q).

This developed form L( p & Lq) w (~p & M~q)

is to be read

It is one thing or the other,

either p and then Lq, the conditional certainty of q,

or not-p and then M~q, the possibility of not-q.

The developed form of our formula of strict implication manifests the three ingredients of strict implication

– 1 The developed form indicates that the conjunction of p and not-q is impossible and that one has ~M (p & ~q). So is retrieved the content  of the so called material implication.

–  2   L( p & Lq) w (~p & M~q) implies the bilateral possible Mp & M~p and so disposes of the first paradox of material implication, the fact that a false proposition implies anything.

–  3  (~p & M~q), the second alternative, disposes of the second paradox, the fact that a true proposition is implied by anything.

Useful links:

KNOLmnc 1 Modal logic. The three ingredients of strict implication. Calcutta

KNOLmnc 1 A German exception: the translation of On Interpretation by Professor Gohlke. His tenth note on indeterminate propositions. To Mind a Quarterly Review of Philosophy.

Isidor pollak et les deux traductions arabes differentes du De interpretatione

FR MNC The paradoxical sign of JF Monteil, the German exception of Professor Gohlke and the formula of strict implication L p ≡ Lq. To the Verlag Walter de Gruyter.

FR MNC Premier courriel à la maison Walter de Gruyter. Establishing the text of Die Hermeneutik des Aristoteles leads to the formula of strict implication L p ≡ Lq.

FR MNC Deuxième courriel à la maison Walter de Gruyter. Establishing the text of Die Hermeneutik des Aristoteles leads to the formula of strict implication L p ≡ Lq. The tenth note on the Aristotelian indeterminates of De Interpretatione, chapter 7.

FR MNC Troisième courriel à la maison Walter de Gruyter. Establishing the text of Die Hermeneutik des Aristoteles leads to the formula of strict implication: L p ≡ Lq. Hermann Weidemann should have taken into account the works of two absentees of his bibliography: Isidor Pollak and the Paul Gohlke commenting on the Aristotelian indeterminates of De Interpretatione, chapter 7.

Ceci est une disposition testamentaire.

En pleine occupation, ma mère, bonne musicienne, excellente Germaniste  me rattacha à l’Allemagne. Que si un jour au vu de l’usage que j’ai fait de l’érudition allemande, telle ville universitaire d’outre-Rhin voulait honorer ma mémoire, je demande de la façon la plus expresse qu’au-delà du Rhin mon nom soit exclusivement associé au prénom de Madeleine Marquetoux.

Jean-François Monteil

Cestas, le 3 Mars 2019

FR MNC From the functional standpoint of synchronic linguistics, there are two categories of Chinese characters: the arbitrary primary characters A, the phonetic complexes B

4 Avr

En 1979, je voulus apprendre par coeur les 214 clés du dictionnaire Kangxi. Cela me prit un mois. Je voulus ensuite apprendre par coeur les 858 phonétiques de Léon Wieger. Cela me prit six mois. Je conseille à l’Occidental qui veut se mettre au chinois à quarante ans et imiter ainsi Caton l’Ancien qui se mit au grec à quatre-vingt de faire la même chose. Il peut se dispenser de lire les considérations théoriques qui suivent. Mais il doit apprendre les 214 clés et les 858 phonétiques.

Jean-François Monteil

Juin 2018






FR MNC From the standpoint of general linguistics, there are two …

5 déc. 2014 – FR MNC From the standpoint of general linguistics, there are two categories of Chinese characters: a group A comprising the characters wen 文 described as simple and the compound characters zi 字 called logical aggregates 會意, a group B constituted by the compound characters zi 字 called phonetic …

KNOLmnc Linguistique générale et écriture chinoise. Classification …

28 nov. 2014 – FR MNC Linguistique générale et écriture chinoise. Classification traditionnelle des caractères chinois en 六 書 et leur classification rationnelle en composés phoniques et non-composés phoniques. x Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l’Université Michel de …

FR MNC Ecriture chinoise et point de vue fonctionnel de la …

9 juil. 2016 – FR MNC Ecriture chinoise et point de vue fonctionnel de la linguistique synchronique. A l’Erssabéquipe de recherche en sémantique et syntaxe à Bordeaux. 9 Juil …

FR MNC 从一般语言学角度来看,有两类汉字:第一类包括叫作“文”的单 …

20 déc. 2014 – Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l‘Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux Adresse électronique : Jean-francois.monteil@neuf.frLes deux sites associés : mindnewcontinent mindnewcontinentfrenchcorner Les …

FR MNC 從一般語言學角度來看,有兩類漢字:第一類包括叫作“文”的單 …

20 déc. 2014 – FR MNC 從一般語言學角度來看,有兩類漢字:第一類包括叫作“文”的單體字和被稱為“會意字”的復合字;第二組由被稱為“形聲字”的復合字構成。To Mind a quarterly review of philosophy. 20 Déc …

FR MNC Les deux causes expliquant pourquoi Champollion déchiffra …

28 déc. 2014 – Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l‘Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux Adresse électronique : Les deux sites associés : mindnewcontinent mindnewcontinentfrenchcorner Les …





From the functional standpoint of synchronic linguistics, there are two categories of Chinese characters: the arbitrary primary characters A, the motivated phonetic complexes B


-The liu shu , the six categories of Chinese characters in the traditional classification

-Classification of characters from the point of view of their function


1 The double articulation

2 Alphabetic writing and Chinese ideographic  writing

3 Remarks on the Chinese syllable and the importance of the tone

4 The system described. Léon Wieger S.J’s work

5 A definition of the Chinese character. Training

6 A rational classification from the point of view of  synchronic linguistics

7 Equally important and necessary are the group A of the arbitrary primary characters and the group B of the motivated phonetic complexes


 Summary of the paper


First part

The liu shu  ,the six catégories of Chinese characters in the traditional classification.

This work evokes the ideographic nature of the Chinese writing. The letters of the alphabetic writing represent minimal sounds that are very few. The 26 letters of the Latin alphabet are sufficient to note the consonants and vowels of French. The basic graphems of the Chinese writing, called zi-4字visually represent linguistic units similar to our words, more exactly similar to what linguists call morphemes. There are therefore several thousands of them.

Tradition distinguishes six categories of characters. The four first ones are divided into simple wen and compound  zi and so defined after their form .

I Pictograms and symbols are the characters called wen文 and deemed to be simple

The wenpictogram    


A pictogram is thought to represent a concrete object









The wen symbol 


A symbol represents an idea, something abstract






II Logical aggregates and phonetic complexes are the characters deemed to be complex. They are called zi-4  when opposed to the characters wen deemed to be  simple

One distinguishes two sorts of compound characters : the phonetic complexes and the logical aggregates. The phonetic complexes are by far the most numerous not only among the compound characters but also among the Chinese characters in generally

1- The zi-4 字 which is a phonetic complex


 The phonetic complex is composed of two more simple characters. One, the phonetic, is deemed to represent the sound. The other, the signific, generally called key, has for function to orient the mind toward the meaning associated with the sound indicated by the phonetic.

Below, two instances of characters used to engender phonetic complexes when they are associated with a character functionning as signific, as semantic key.

First example






yáng x

ocean, mer; étranger; occidental


yáng yàng

fondre(un métal)


yáng yăng

un charançon dans le riz



faux, trompeur

In the the compound character

洋, the right part is 羊  yang  Sheep functioning as phonetic and the left part is  氵a three strokes form signifying water functioning as signific

Second exemple


本 bĕn

Root, origin, source

Let us consider

To spit, to vomit



is the phonetic

whereas the pictogram of the mouth

is the signific

– 2 The zi-4  字  which is a logical aggregate


The logical aggregate is a compound character composed like the phonetic complex of several more simple characters but in which none of those functions as phonetic or signific. All contribute to the meaning, none indicates the pronunciation.

Example :

The character means light and it is pronounced ming-2

The first element

日 Sun ri-4 represents the luminary of the day

The second element

月 Moon  yue-4 represents the luminary of the night.




明 Light ming-2

none of the two elements indicates the pronunciation ming-2 having nothing to do with ri-4 or yue-4.