Archive | novembre, 2014

FR MNC Linguistique générale et écriture chinoise. Classification traditionnelle des caractères chinois, dite des liu shu 六 書 et classification rationnelle des caractères chinois en composés phoniques et non-composés phoniques. A l’Université tous âges de Vannes.

25 Nov

Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l’Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux

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KNOLmnc 0 Du point de vue fonctionnel de la linguistique synchronique, il y a deux catégories de caractères chinois: les caractères premiers arbitraires et les composés phoniques motivés.



FR MNC From the standpoint of general linguistics, there are two categories of Chinese characters: a group A comprising the characters wen 文 described as simple and the compound characters zi 字 called logical aggregates 會意, a group B constituted by the compound characters zi 字 called phonetic complexes 形聲. To Mind a quarterly Review of Philosophy.
FR MNC 從一般語言學角度來看,有兩類漢字:第一類包括叫作“文”的單體字和被稱為“會意字”的復合字;第二組由被稱為“形聲字”的復合字構成。To Mind a quarterly review of philosophy.

Avec Bernhard Karlgren, Jean-François Monteil pense qu’il y a deux catégories de caractères chinois. La première catégorie comprend non seulement les caractères primitifs décrits comme simples mais encore une partie des caractères composés zi  appelés agrégats logiques 會意 . La seconde catégorie est constituée par la grande majorité des caractères composés zi . Ces zi sont sont ceux qu’on appelle composés phoniques 形聲. Comme le signale Bernhard Karlgren dans le texte qui suit, les composés phoniques 形聲 représentent neuf dixièmes de l’ensemble des caractères chinois. Cela n’est pas surprenant car dans les composés phoniques 形聲 se manifeste clairement une loi de composition:  ils sont composés d’un « signific » , la clé au sens fonctionnel du terme, indiquant le sens et d’un « phonetic » indiquant plus ou moins la prononciation. Une telle classification est probablement plus rationnelle que la classification traditionnelle des caractères en six categories: les liu shu 六 書. Ce qui est absolument certain, c’est que cette classification des caractères en deux catégories : les composés phoniques 形聲 et ceux qui ne sont pas des composés phoniques est la classification la plus utile à un occidental de quarante ans désireux de maîtriser le système graphique chinois et de suivre ainsi l’exemple du Romain Caton, qui décida d’apprendre le grec à l’âge de quatre-vingts ans.

With many scholars and particularly with Bernhard Karlgren, Jean-François Monteil thinks that concerning the Chinese characters to be classified the dividing line lies between on the one hand the set including not only the primitive characters wen described as simple but also part of the compound characters zi  called logical aggregates 會意 and on the other most of the zi called phonetic complexes 形聲. As Bernhard Karlgren points out in the following text, the phonetic complexes represent nine tenths of all Chinese characters. Not surprisingly for they manifest a clear formation rule:  they consist of one « signific » indicating the meaning and of one « phonetic » indicating more or less the pronunciation. Such a classification is probably more rational than the classification known as the liu shu 六 書. What is absolutely certain is that such a classification is the most helpful to a forty year old Westerner desiring to master the Chinese graphic system and so follow the example of the Roman Cato, who decided to learn Greek when he was eighty year old.

The point on which the Chinese philologists as well as their western followers have entirely failed is the phonetic side of the study of the Chinese script; and yet it is obvious that just this side plays an extremely important part, as nine tenths of all Chinese characters consists of one « signific » and one « phonetic ». The Chinese scholars however have never treated these problems in a serious way, and their western followers have laboured under the difficulty that they have had to base their studies on modern dialects some 2000 younger than Archaic Chinese.

Ainsi s’exprime l’érudit Suédois Bernhard Karlgren dans son Analytic dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese. L’idée qu’expose Jean-François Monteil en sa qualité de linguiste, à savoir, que les caractères chinois se divisent en deux groupes: les composés phoniques 形聲 et les non-composés phoniques que sont aussi bien les caractères simples wen que les caractères complexes zi qui sont des agrégats logiques 會意 est une idée importante. Ce n’est pas une idée originale car elle a germé dans le cerveau de maint érudit Chinois. Le texte de Karlgren met le doigt sur un fait important. Il convient donc de le lire avec une respectueuse attention. Mais il convient aussi de voir ce qu’il a d’un peu abrupt.




Le caractère chinois note la syllabe, laquelle en chinois est associée à un ton et pourvue d’une signification.

我 要 吃 糖

moi vouloir manger sucre

Le caractère est constitué par un nombre déterminé de coups de pinceau appelés ici traits et produits dans un ordre déterminé, le nombre des traits utilisables ne dépassant guère la vingtaine. La prodigieuse efflorescence de plusieurs milliers d’idéogrammes naît donc d’un tout petit nombre de formes élémentaires représentées, disent les Chinois, dans l’idéogramme signifiant l’éternité, à savoir

La liste des caractères simples ou wen est close depuis la plus haute antiquité. On ne crée plus de wen depuis longtemps. Par agrégat logique, on entend un caractère composé dans lequel aucun élément n’a pour fonction de suggérer la prononciation.

ming- 2


est un exemple d’agrégat logique

Il est composé du pictogramme représentant le soleil et du pictogramme représentant la lune.

se prononce  ri- 4


se prononce yue-4.

Ni l’un ni l’autre ne suggère la prononciation ming-2 de lumière. La liste des agrégats logiques, elle aussi, est close depuis belle lurette. On ne crée plus de composés de ce type.

La seule catégorie vivante est celle des composés phoniques. Dans la facture de ceux-ci se manifeste une règle de composition simple et intelligible. Ils contiennent un caractère indiquant la prononciation et un autre suggérant le sens.


est un exemple de composé phonique

est le pictogramme représentant le mouton et ce caractère se prononce yang. Dans le composé phonique yang Océan, il a pour fonction d’indiquer la prononciation. Il est précédé de

signe de l’eau, ayant pour fonction d’indiquer que le son yang doit être associé à l’idée d’océan et non à celle de mouton.

Aussi est-il raisonnable de diviser les caractères en deux catégories : un groupe A constitué par ces caractères premiers que sont et les wen et les agrégats logiques, un groupe B constitué par les seuls composés phoniques. Le linguiste distingue ainsi deux groupes : les composés phoniques, les non-composés phoniques. En dépit de leur aspect composé, les agrégats logiques sont fonctionnellement semblables aux caractères simples. Ne s’y manifeste aucune règle de composition. Ce ne sont pas des modèles susceptibles d’être indéfiniment imités et répétés. Le fait que 女 signifie femme est fondé sur une convention. Le lien entre 女 et son sens est arbitraire. Non moins arbitraire est le fait que la femme sous un toit réfère à l’idée de calme.

Au contraire, un caractère comme yang Ocean  洋  manifeste une loi de composition qui peut être utilisée indéfiniment. Le composé phonique combine deux caractères: l’un, le « phonétique » par exemple indique plus ou moins la prononciation, l’autre le « signifique » par exemple suggère un sens.

Cette classification rationnelle divisant les idéogrammes en composés phoniques B et en non-composés phoniques A s’impose au grammairien d’Occident. Elle n’est pas originale, me dit-on, car plusieurs lettrés chinois en ont eu l’idée. Cela, je le crois volontiers.


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A summary

The Chinese character represents the syllable, the latter being associated with a tone and provided with a meaning.

我 要 吃 糖


I       will       eat         sugar

The character is constituted by a determined number of strokes produced in a strictly determined order. There are about seventeen kinds of stroke only. So, the thousands of characters proceed from a very small number  of elementary forms. According to the Chinese, the several strokes to be employed are present in the ideogram representing eternity:

The list of simple characters or wen was closed early in the history of Chinese writing. One does not create simple characters wen any longer.

By logical aggregate 會意, one understands a compound character in which no  element has for function to indicate the pronunciation.

ming- 2


is an example of logical aggregate 會意


It is composed of the pictogram representing the sun and of the pictogram representing the moon.

is pronounced  ri- 4


is pronounced yue-4.

Neither ri- 4  nor yue-4 suggests the pronunciation ming-2. As that of the simple characters , the list of compound characters tzu called logical aggregates 會意 was closed early. No compound character of this type is created nowadays.

The only living category is that of the compound characters called phonetic complexes 形聲. In the structure of them is manifested a formation rule, which is clear and understandable. They contain a character indicating more or less the pronunciation and another suggesting  the meaning.

yang Océan

is an instance of phonetic complex.

is the pictogram representing the sheep. The character in question is pronounced yang. In the phonetic compound yang Ocean, its function is to indicate the pronunciation. It is preceded by

a representation of water. This sign has for function to tell us that the sound yang must be associated with the idea of ocean and not with that of sheep.

  That is the reason why it is reasonable, if not rational, to divide the Chinese characters into two categories : a group A including the simple characters wen and the logical aggregates and a group B represented by the phonetic complexes. So the linguist distinguishes two sets the characters that are phonetic complexes and those that are not phonetic complexes. The logical aggregate is a zi on account of its compound aspect but in spite of that the logical aggregate is functionally quite similar to the simple character. The fact that means woman is based on a convention. The link between and its sense is arbitrary. No less arbitrary is the fact that the woman under a roof refers to the idea of quiet. On the contrary, a character like yang Ocean  洋  manifests a formation rule which can be indefinitely used. The phonetic complex combines two characters: one, the « phonetic » e.g indicates a sound, the other, e.gthe « signific » suggests a sense. The rational classification evoked here forces itself on a western linguist. It is far from original, I’ve been told. This I do believe. Many Chinese scholars in the past conceived of the fundamental duality described in this paper.

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KNOLmnc 0 Du point de vue fonctionnel de la linguistique synchronique, il y a deux catégories de caractères chinois : les caractères premiers arbitraires, les composés phoniques motivés. 





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FR MNC Importance of Bertrand Russell’s An inquiry into meaning and truth, chapter 20 entitled The law of excluded middle.

6 Nov

Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l’Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux

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If the symbol (l) represents a priori necessity, (l) p w ~p means that the fact p and the fact not-p are a priori necessarily contradictory. On the one hand, they are necessarily in-compatible in reality, on the other hand they cannot be both excluded from reality. Hence the fact p ≡ ~~p. That means that the fact p is the fact excluding the fact not-p as the fact not-p is the fact excluding p. The author of this remark refers the potential reader to An inquiry into meaning and truth, chapter 20 by Bertrand Russell and to what is devoted to the said chapter entitled The law of excluded middle in the following papers:

KNOLmnc 1 To defend his views about modal logic and strict implication, Jean-François Monteil utilizes the chapter of Bertrand Russell’s An inquiry into meaning and truth entitled The law of excluded middle. To Mind a Quarterly Review of Philosophy

KNOLmnc 1 Modal logic. The three ingredients of strict implication: L (p ≡ Lq). To Mind a Quarterly Review of Philosophy.

To my mind, the twentieth chapter entitled The law of excluded middle, constitutes a sort of climax in the celebrated An inquiry into meaning and truth. In light of Tarski and thanks to the use of the logical hexagon of the Frenchman Robert Blanché in modal logic, a lot of problems raised by Russell in his book and particularly in the twentieh chapter can be solved. Tarski said: the proposition “Snow is white” is true, if and only if snow is white. One may conclude that instead of saying the proposition p is true, one must say that the fact p is certain and symbolize the certainty of the fact p by Lp. If we are in a position to assert: ‘It snowed on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini’, the fact p in question must be symbolized by Lp, to be read It is a certain fact that it snowed on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini. If we are in a position to assert: ‘It did not snow on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini’, the fact not-p in question must be symbolized by L~p, to be read : It is a certain fact that it did not snow on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini. If we are in a state of ignorance concerning the two contradictory facts p and not-p, in other words, if we are unable to assert ‘It snowed on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini’ as well as ‘It did not snow on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini’, we experience a fact, the fact that neither p nor not-p is certain. This third fact can be symbolized by ~L~p & ~Lp, both the certainty of the fact not-p and the certainty of the fact p are excluded. I emphasize here that the third fact I mention must be given as much importance as the facts Lp and L~p we are led to consider when we are in a state of knowledge. The third fact is the fact we have to envisage when we are in a state of ignorance. It corresponds to what is called the bilateral possible. ~L~p, the non-certainty of the fact not-p is equivalent to the possibility of the fact p to be symbolized by Mp, ~Lp, the non-certainty of the fact p is equivalent to the possibility of the fact not-p to be symbolized by M~p. There exist three situations corresponding to the case envisaged by Bertrand Russell in the chapter 20 of his An inquiry into meaning and truth and entitled The law of excluded middle. One of three things, either Lp the certainty of the fact p or L~p the certainty of the fact not-p or Mp & M~p the possibility of both p and not-p to the extent that both are non-certain. In any of the three situations, the law of excluded middle is preserved. This law can be represented thus: (l) p w not-p. The facts p and not-p are necessarily, by definition ( this is the meaning of the symbol (l) here used) contradictory. They are incompatible and they cannot be both excluded of reality.

If what is said above is true, the truth-table must be rejected.

The proposition p envisaged by Russell is true, if and only if the homonymous fact p it makes known is certain and can be symbolized by Lp.

The proposition not-p envisaged by Russell is true, if and only if the homonymous fact not-p it makes known is certain and can be symbolized by L~p.

Now, neither the fact p nor the fact not-p is certain in the situation envisaged by Russell. About them, we are in a state of ignorance.

We can keep asserting (l) p w ~p because unshakable is the law of excluded middle, which does not depend on experience, always precedes it and constitutes its a priori condition. Safely can we say, whatever our knowledge may be: Necessarily, it is one thing or the other, either it snowed on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini or it did not snow on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini. Whatever the state of things may be, whether it is known which of the two facts is the case or not, p and not-p are contradictory facts. They are in-compatible, they cannot be both excluded.

In the situation described by Russell,  we are in a state of non-knowledge to be represented  by ~L~p  & ~Lp, neither the fact not-p nor the fact p is certain or by Mp & M~p, the bilateral possible. For if both facts are non-certain, they are both possible.

Taking Veritas adaequatio rei et intellectus, the scholastic definition of truth, seriously and adhering  to the correspondence theory  of Tarski, I think that the propositions p and not-p identified with the assertive sentences It snowed on Manhattanare… and It did not snow on Manhattan…are  both false. « p true » if one speaks in terms of proposition is nothing else than Lp certainty of the fact p if one speak as I think we must. « not-p true » is nothing else than L~p certainty of not-p. If one wants to go on speaking in terms of proposition instead of speaking in terms of fact as I think we must, the proposition which could be deemed true in the situation evoked by Russell is Maybe, it snowed on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini, maybe it did not. As the fact referred to is Mp & M~p, only the statement Maybe, it snowed on Manhattan Island on the first of January in the year 1 Anno Domini, maybe it did not can realize the adaequatio rei et intellectus,  the correspondence of a thing to the intellect.


The author of these lines thinks that the solution of the Russellian problem renders possible a consistent formula of strict implication:

KNOLmnc 1 Modal logic. The three ingredients of strict













Useful documents

To Mind a Quarterly Review of Philosophy. The non-mark, the paradoxical sign of Jean-François Monteil. The chain reaction leading to the formula of strict implication.

The hypothesis of the systematic non-mark and the crucial importance thereof was presented in 1989. The paradoxical sign renders possible a rational approach to the French verbal system. It also throws some light on the nature of the so-called affirmative and negative propositions constituting a pair of contradictories. The negative proposition is the marked contradictory, the affirmative the unmarked contradictory. From the start, and before speaking of the hypothesis itself, I indicate the two main results of its use. (1) Thanks to the substitution of the logical hexagon for the square of opposition, an understanding of the relationship between the system of six propositions apprehending quantification in natural language and the underlying logical system is now possible.

Useful links:

KNOLmnc 1 On the Aristotelian Organon. Importance of the chapter 7 of De Interpretatione (or Peri Hermeneias), second book of the Organon

KNOLmnc 1 A German exception: the translation of On Interpretation by Professor Gohlke. His tenth note on indeterminate propositions

KNOLmnc 1 The logical universal affirmative and the two natural universals affirmative

KNOLmnc 1 From the deficient square of opposition to Blanché’s hexagon. The triangle of Indian logic as a simplification of the latter. The rationalization of the scholastic symbolization.

KNOLmnc 1 To the British Society for the History of Philosophy.The logical square of Aristotle or square of Apuleius. The logical hexagon of Robert Blanché in Structures intellectuelles. The triangle of Indian logic mentioned by J.M Bochenski

L   p ≡ Lq  is most probably the formula of strict implication. It says that  a fact p implies a fact q strictly, if the fact p is equivalent to the certainty of the fact q. The formula definitively disposes of the two unpleasant paradoxes inherent to the so-called material implication. The paradoxical sign leads to an exact view of the relation of contradictoriness, the latter to the replacement of the square of opposition by the hexagon of Robert Blanché. Applied to modal logic, the hexagon shows the existence and importance of the bilateral possible. The notion conducts to the formula of the strict implication of a fact q by a fact p: L   p ≡ Lq A fact p strictly implies a fact q, if it is established that the fact p is equivalent to the certainty of the fact q.

More useful links:

KNOLmnc 1Modal logic. The three ingredients of strict implication. Calcutta

KNOLmnc 1 Crucial importance of the bilateral possible M(p), the third contrary fact represented in the logical hexagon of Robert Blanché applied to modal logic.

FR MNC (I) Modal logic. The final touch in defining the strict implication of a fact q by a fact p. If the bilateral possible Mp & M~p is to be symbolized by L ( p w ~p) , the formula of strict implication is L (p ≡ Lq).

FR MNC (II) Modal logic. The final touch about strict implication L (p ≡ Lq). The two facts containing it.

FR MNC (III) Modal logic. The three ingredients of L (p ≡ Lq).  Unconditional certainty and conditional certainty.

FR MNC (IV) Modal logic. The three facts to be considered: L (p ≡ Lq), the strict implication of q by p and the two facts containing it, namely, L ((p & Lq) w (~p & M(q)) on the one hand and L ((p & Lq) w (~p & L~q) on the other.

KNOLmnc 1 To defend his views about modal logic and strict implication, Jean-François Monteil utilizes the chapter of Bertrand Russell’s An inquiry into meaning and truth entitled The law of excluded middle.

FR MNC I Contingency and necessity. The a priori conditions of experience. Something about Bertrand Russell’s An inquiry into meaning and truth.

FR MNC II Contingency and necessity. The a priori conditions of experience. Interpretation of the formula M L(p) v M Mp v M M~p

The substitution of the logical hexagon of Robert Blanché for the square of opposition, whose origin is to be found in On Interpretation, chapter 7 puts an end to a  curse impeding the understanding of  the relationship between a system of six propositions of natural language and the underlying logical system. Robert Blanché – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
