Archive | février, 2013

FR MNC Contributions de Jean-François Monteil dans la rubrique Google Books

14 Fév

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14 Fév

Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l’Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux

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FR MNC Information 1 the German exception about Aristotle’s Peri Hermeneias

9 Fév

Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l’Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux

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KNOLmnc 0 Diffusion

A hard core of factual discoveries about Aristotle and Maimonides. Probably, the formula of strict implication.
Jean-François Monteil

KNOLmnc 1 A German exception: the translation of On Interpretation by Professor Gohlke. His tenth note on indeterminate propositions.


KNOLmnc 1 Something new about Maimonides’ Treatise on logic. On a difference between the canonical text of the Treatise on logic and the three Hebrew translations.

Allein Gohlke hat, meiner Meinung nach, einen Text von grosser Bedeutung verstanden : das Kapitel VII in ‘’ die Hermeneutik ’’. Doch ist er bisher erstaunlicherweise in der philosophischen Gemeinschaft unterschätzt worden.

Isidor Pollak reveals the existence of two Arab translations of die Hermeneutik. The first is complete and is found in the Bibliothèque Nationale of Paris. It is attributed to Ishak ibn Honain. Esti leukos anthropos is there wrongly rendered by Al insan huwa abyad, (the) Man is white, Der Mensch ist weiss and Ouk esti leukos anthropos wrongly rendered by Al insan laysa huwa abyad, (the) Man is not white, Der Mensch is nicht weiss. Der Mench ist weiss and Der Mensch ist nicht weiss are universal propositions and cannot translate Aristotle’s indeterminates, which are particular propositions, signifying Es gibt einen weissen Menschen and Es gibt einen nicht weissen Menschen respectively.

The other is found in Berlin in the collection called Syrian Codex. Esti leukos anthropos is there rendered by Yujadu insanun abyadan, Es gibt einen weissen Menschen , There is (a) white man and Ouk esti leukos anthropos by Laysa yujadu abyadan insanun, There is no white man Es gibt keinen weissen Menschen !?!. The translation of Berlin respects the most problematic Greek text, that of Paris does not. Unfortunately, it is the latter that is the object of Al-Farabi’s commentary.

Hermann Weidemann, with whom I am on friendly terms, tells me that he is preparing a bilingual edition of Aristotle’s On interpretation. In a recent email, I advised him to take into account the following work: Pollak (I.), Die Hermeneutik des Aristoteles in der arabischen Übersetzung des Ishak ibn Honain (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, XIII, Band, Number 1), Leipzig, 1913, p. 11, Notes 189 and 190.  I advised him not to follow the Englishman Ackrill in the rendering of the Aristotelian indeterminate propositions, as he does  in Aristoteles Peri Hermeneias, Akademie Verlag Gmbh, Berlin 2002. I advised him to follow the German Paul Gohlke.

Esti leukos anthropos and Ouk esti leukos anthropos are to be interpreted as particulars. They mean something like Es gibt einen weissen Menschen and Es gibt einen nicht weissen Menschen respectively. The nearly universal translation Der Mensch ist weiss , Der Mensch ist nicht weiss -nearly universal translation due to one of the two Arab translations mentioned by Pollak- is awful, since it renders propositions which have the sense of particulars by propositions which have the sense of universals.

The replacement of Der Mensch is weiss by Ein Mensch is weiss  is a small improvement indeed for Ein Mensch ist sterblich is a universal as well as Der Mensch ist sterblich. Hermann must follow the German Paul Gohlke. Ackrill, no doubt, considers his own translation as a pis aller. Does he not write himself “It is a pity that Aristotle introduces indeterminate statements at all”?The problem raised by the poisoning indeterminate propositions of On Interpretation, chapter 7, is not a trifle to be despised by scholars. A good interpretation of the Aristotelian unquantified propositions brings about a chain reaction whose final stage is the substitution of Blanché’s hexagon for the logical square. The logical hexagon creates the conditions for a better understanding of the relation between natural language and logic.

Der Stein, den die Bauleute verworfen haben, der ist zum Eckstein geworden !

Amicalement. Jean-François Monteil 21 Juin 2012

FR MNC Information 2 Perhaps something new about Aristotle and strict implication. JF Monteil of Bordeaux.

9 Fév

Jean-François Monteil, ancien maître de conférences de linguistique générale à l’Université Michel de Montaigne de Bordeaux

Adresse électronique :

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KNOLmnc 0 Sites and topics – mindnewcontinent

KNOLmnc Liste et classification des KNOLs mnc


KNOLmnc 0 Diffusion

A hard core of factual discoveries about Aristotle and Maimonides.  Probably, the formula of strict implication.

Jean-François Monteil

KNOLmnc Liste et classification des KNOLs mnc

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KNOLmnc 0 Sites and topics


The themes

– Reality  and importance of the paradoxical sign that is called non-mark by the author and consists in a signifying absence of  phonic matter.

KNOLmnc 0 A chain reaction: the paradoxical sign, the logical hexagon, the discoveries about Aristotle, the bilateral possible, the formula of strict implication p ≡ Lq. For the defense and illustration of Google’s knol.

– For the benefit of logic and grammar, necessity of replacing the square of opposition, the logical square, the square of Aristotle or square of Apuleius by Robert Blanché’s hexagon . The square has its origin in the seventh  chapter  of  De interpretatione, ( Peri hermeneias, On interpretation ), second book of the Aristotelian Organon. The hexagon is described in  Structures intellectuelles, published with Vrin in 1966.

KNOLmnc 1 Necessity of substituting the logical hexagon of Robert Blanché for the logical square.

– Arab handing down of Aristotle to the Christian West in the Middle Ages.

KNOLmnc 1 A German exception: the translation of On Interpretation by Professor Gohlke. His tenth note on indeterminate propositions.

– Necessity of examining the problems of modal logic, especially that of strict implication in light of the hexagon of Robert Blanché which it is expedient to identify with the triangle of Indian logic.

KNOLmnc 1 About the main problem of modal logic. A formula of the strict implication of the fact q by the fact p: p ≡ Lq. The three ingredients of strict implication and particularly: ~p. M → M~q, the third one. p ≡ Lq seems to be the formula. Grand slam !


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 “logical hexagon” — “cuadrado logico” – “hexagono logico” – Aristotle de interpretatione organon – “Hermeneutik Aristoteles” – traité de logique modale – “implication stricte” – “strict implication” – Maimonides treatise on logic –   “Isidor Pollak”   “Paul Gohlke” “Robert Blanché” -”structures intellectuelles” – Johann Heinrich Lambert John Stuart Mill   appréhension du temps – “indeterminate propositions” “propositions indéterminées”

morphologie du pronom personnel- sémantique du pronom personnel- British Society for the History of philosophy- Arab translation de interpretatione- traductions arabes de interpretatione